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[00143075] standing desk

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投稿者:スポーツ全般へのお得情報 さん

23/02/06 17:29

I bought this for my home office. I needed something with a lot of surface small standing desk https://www.fezibo.com/collections/small-standing-desk for my 2 monitors and 2 laptops. I work from home 100% and needed to be able to sit or stand throughout the day. I took a risk and bought this and I am so freaking glad I did. It is heavy so make sure you have a friend or someone who can help you get it where you need it before setting it up. My dad assembled it for me (spoiled) but he said it was super easy and he did it in under an hour. My favorite part is that you can set it up to memorize 3 levels and it was super easy to do. I have it set to the level I need while sitting, the level I need while standing, and just to use up the 3rd setting, I set it to the level I would need if I was spin biking in my best ergonomic office chair https://www.fezibo.com/collections/ergonomic-chairs (a tad too ambitious maybe) anyways… it’s an amazing desk. I’d give more than 5 stars if I could. なっとく! いまひとつ この記事を違反報告する

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