


[00060279] ECC フランス語

12 人中、3人の方が、「なっとく」の口コミです。

投稿者:先生 さん

11/10/04 14:18

ECC is one of the largest language schools in Japan, in fact, a simple limited company with its headquarters in Osaka.

For young teachers who wish to teach seriously French in Japan, please look at one of the strongs aberrations (taken from the inside and on the fact) that plague the company and which unfortunately reflect the foundations of a wrong point strictly educational. The purpose of ECC is to make money but still !?

Here for example, condensed courses that this professor (you can see her name on the pictures on the top left) of ECC sends after a lesson with some students in the section "Freetalk in French" (the most advanced learner in French) at ECC.

These condensed are called "passports" and are sent at the end of the lesson as a kind of email to students. On the two pictures on top, you can not meet these qualifying statements. No consistency, no explanation and to top it all, full of faults and the French used is especially incomprehensible!

Educational disaster and a disgrace to the profession of teaching French as a foreign language ! This lady is the top leader of the French department at ECC and poor language learners do not realize her incompetence ! It's a shame, a real aberration: a lack of respect for the French language, students and teachers.

Under the approval of ECC, this person does not only teach French but form and inspect the French teachers even natives for the company for over ten years.

Here is one of the reasons that led me to stop working there.

But for whom do they take their clients and their teachers?
French teachers, just go your way! なっとく! いまひとつ この記事を違反報告する

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